Thanks to everyone who joined up on the Hobotech Facebook page yesterday! If you haven’t done that yet, there’s now a widget in the right column of this site that will makes it one click away. If you’re a fan of these tips, please take two seconds and join up. When we get to 1000 […]
Hey folks, we’ve started up a brand new fan page on Facebook for Hobotech – my party/genre/collective. If you’re a fan of these tips, do me a favor and sign on as a fan. We’re giving away Hobo Blues as a free download to say thank you. When we get to 1000 fans we’ll be […]
Over the last couple of days, I’ve been discussing the use of a Sounds Project – a single location that contains all of your sounds be they presets or samples. The trick to having a usable Sounds Project is to understand that you don’t need a large number of sounds. instead, you need to have […]
Often its the simple things that make me happy. Today, its a lovely little use for the arrow keys. Live makes navigating the Arrangement View a lot like navigating the words in a text document. Once you’ve placed the cursor in the timeline, you can move back and forth one grid line at a time […]
OK, so now that I’ve discussed the concept behind my Sounds Project, I’ll take you through some of the critical steps to get it set up right. First, create a Project folder. Right-click in one of the file browsers, and you’ll see the Create Project command to get things started. Next, create a few basic […]
Since I spent the last couple of days talking about creating a hand-claps Instrument Rack, I thought I’d tell you a little bit about how I go about saving this sort of instrument as a preset. You may recall that I recently spent some time talking about effect presets and how I store them in […]
So, once I start messing around with intentionally making things sloppy or uneven I find that it’s something I can play around with forever and keep discovering things. Here are a couple of other tricks to keep things loose in the clap track. A little bit of random panning in a few of the clap […]
Since we’ve been discussing some issues related to Simpler and velocity, I thought I’d show you a rack I made for a remix I’m working on. There’s a section of this track where we need a really loose sounding hand clap section. At the moment, it’s not practical for me to get a room full […]
Today I’m going to write a little about Simpler, Live’s basic sample playback device. In particular, I’m going to clear up one common area of confusion: how to make sample playback velocity sensitive (so the harder you hit a drum pad or keyboard key, the louder the sample gets), and how to set this as […]
So, i thought I was done talking about exporting stems, but someone emailed in a question that’s worth addressing: What about MIDI? Generally speaking, when we’re talking about creating stems or archiving a project, we’re talking about creating audio files. After all, part of the reason we do this is to avoid having to have […]