One thing I like about the technique described in the last tip is that you can generate dramatic variations with a very simple adjustment. After you’ve programmed a part, try adjusting Sample Start by moving the start flag (or adjusting it numerically).
Every time you move it, each note triggers a different portion of the sample. Wicked!
You can also have some loopy/glitchy fun by turning on one of the Sampler’s Loop modes:
and creating a short loop that’s very near, or right on top of Sample start:
Now you can have some more fun in the MIDI tab:
The key part is setting Destination B of Key modulation to Loop Start. This makes the loop move around with the Sample Start (if you don’t do that, most notes will get “stuck” in the original loop position.)
The fun part is mapping Velocity (or some other modulator) to Loop Length. I’ve set it to a negative number, so as the note velocity increases, the loop length gets shorter and turns into more of a buzz.