Templates can be a really great tool for speeding your workflow. Personally, I don’t get much mileage out of the production oriented templates that ship with Live: …but I do get great benefit out of working with templates for live performance. As I’m getting ready for the Hobo’s Ball, its really nice to be able […]
I’ve recently made a new addition to my Sounds Project, and its so simple I can’t believe it took me so long to think of it. The project folder now contains a Sounds Set: Every time I sit down to do some sampling or sound design, I do it in this set. The format of […]
To make your own skin for Live, you’ll first want to head over and download the skin editor by SonicTransfer. Once you’ve got that fired up on your computer, you’re ready to start skinning. The editor consists of two sections: a preview on the left that shows you changes to your skin as you make […]
Each skin that appears in Live’s skins menu is just a file on your hard drive. in Windows, you’ll find the skins located here: Program Files\Ableton\Live\Resources\Skins. Under OS X, the files are contained within the Live application bundle.To access them, go to your Applications folder, right-click on the Live icon, and select Show Package Contents […]
Before I get into talking about custom skins, there are two other OS X video tricks that every mac performer should know. 1) Control-Option-Command-8 This one inverts all of the colors on your display. Some people like the way this makes everything pop out. Others like it just because it’s SO SPOOKY. With a nice […]
Live has two built-in tools to help with visibility issues, both of which are controlled from the Look/Feel tab of the Preferences screen. First off, Live 8 allows you to adjust the zoom level: 110% has become my standard setting for gigs. Even when I’m playing indoors under normal conditions, I find that this gives […]
On Sunday, I played a set on the Do Lab stage at Coachella with my friend Wolfie and was once again reminded of the difficulties presented by playing in bright sunlight. Not only does the computer screen become difficult to see, the LEDs on your controller can become washed out as well. There are a […]
Sometimes, the solution is no better than the problem – such as when you use the keyboard to fold and unfold tracks instead of using the mouse. To solve this particular problem in a more elegant way, we need a way to send a series of keystrokes to Live in one step. There are a […]
Hey folks! So…while out in LA I got the opportunity to do some sound design for an art project headed for Coachella: a “Jacob’s Organ.” It’s a pipe organ where each pipe is a jacob’s ladder…anyway, working on it led to me heading out to the festival as well. I’ll post some pictures and some […]
You may find at some point that you don’t have enough room on your screen for all of the crate tracks that you want to use. One way to organize your crates and save space on the screen is to use group tracks: Once you’ve grouped the tracks together, you can fold them to make […]