Welcome to Hobo Technologies!

Look out people, here it comes. Like a steam engine pulling cars full of circuit bent robots and their secret hobo masters, it’s racing towards you with news from the Large Hobo Collider, and the undiscovered novels of Utah Phillips K. Dick.

Like a backwoods hoe-down emitting inexplicable bursts of light and invisible waves of mojo:

It’s Hobo Technologies.

It’s just like that, and totally different! Welcome friends, it’s good to see you.

All my Ableton Live Tips from heatercore.net are here, in an easier to navigate format. My heroic team of editors (more on them soon) has reviewed them all, and over the coming months I’ll be updating them with new information for Live 9 and anything I think is interesting. And of course, there will be lots of brand new tips on Live and all the other things I’m using in my studio as well! All of the downloads and important updates for my book, Ableton Live Power! will be hosted here as well.

But wait! There’s more! I’m also going to be writing more about the creative process in general, and will be joined team of interesting contributors sharing their experience of making art, using technology and being awesome.

Finally, don’t forget to check out the music. There’s a lot of new stuff coming…not just Hobotech, but new stuff from Tiny Machines and other artists I work with like The Beautiful Conspiracy and Traveler.